Hello all,
March 2020 is here, meaning more content is being planned and worked on for Tornado Alley Ultimate!
It’s been decided that this month, we’re going to tackle the game itself.
What does this mean?
We’re going to be working primarily on quality of life changes. Our goal is to vastly improve the existing game content before we decide to add new content. This means by the time April rolls around, we should be ready to delve right into bringing brand new content (maps, gamemodes, etc.) for the game.
We’re holding off introducing gamemodes & maps this month and saving all of them for April. This may come as a disappointment, but there is good reasoning behind it. Furthermore, I believe you will enjoy what this month has to deliver.
March 2020 will be considered a big ‘overhaul month’, in which we focus purely on revamping aspects of the game and making them much better.
Let me explain our outline for March 2020, and share what we plan to bring for this month:
Brand new tornado system - We’re going to completely overhaul the way tornadoes will work in the game. They will be much more efficient, interactive, and overall much better. They will be able to blow up cars, gas station pumps, etc. They will be less likely to kill on impact. We also plan to allow other gamemodes to have dynamic tornado sizes (not just EF3). This is a big task that requires a complete overhaul of how the tornadoes work, which is why we aren’t including any new gamemodes right now as it would further complicate the transition into this new system. We have many ideas with this new system, so stay tuned.
Overhaul the Broken Bones System - We will be overhauling broken bones as well. This complete revamp will prevent issues with the gravity coils, allow tornadoes to break bones when they fling you, as well as introduce more obstacles broken bones cause.
Complete Redesign of UI - We are going to be overhauling almost all of the UI as well. The current UI design was created before ROBLOX introduced new UI properties to the platform, so we are going to use those and improve the UI with it. UI will look cleaner, smoother, and better.
Improve Atmosphere - Our goal is to finally bring rain into the game as well as a more realistic atmosphere. We will be adjusting lighting, adding bloom, rain, and ‘realistic’ weather properties to the game. We also have plans to make maps look more immersive and include background scenery around the maps so they appear more immersive (this is why we will not be introducing any new maps this month)
Complete Overhaul of the Game - This is a big one. We’re currently in the process of gutting the entire game and revamping it in its entirety. This should fix up a lot of bugs the game may have and allow it to run much smoother.
Overall, we have big plans for this month. These are massive changes, meaning we will not have time to work on gamemodes and maps for this month and potentially April/May (big changes take a long time to create.) This month is all about improving the current game.
Thank you, and I hope to showcase some of this stuff soon