I’m trying to rig a car in which the rear tires are powered by a torque object. I have the tires attached via hinge to another part, which is attached via spring and prismatic constraint to the car body (see attached).
This system works perfectly fine for the front wheels, which rotate freely and have no flinging issues. However, the rear wheels cause an immense shaking REGARDLESS of suspension settings/presence, and when the car is suspended in the air, the rear wheels fling off the entire mechanism (see video).
Does anybody have any suggestions to correct this instable behavior? Or is it just a downside of using this platform?
My first guess would be the wheels don’t have enough mass, because the game engine struggles extremely bad at lightweight simulations. It could definitely be the amout of torque you’re applying too, but that all depends on the acceleration and maximum torque!
Seems promising - setting the density of the tires to 3 caused the wheels to last roughly a minute of freely spinning before moving upwards. The torque value is relatively high (4000), but I can’t make the car much lighter without it just getting thrown around. To be fair, suspending the wheel in the air absolutely causes it to spin much more violently than it ever would on the ground, but I suspect it’s responsible for the car’s bumpy behavior when accelerating on a flat surface.
add a local script and a text label gui, then, every frame, assign the text of the text label to the current angular velocity of the wheel you want to monitor. Then, you might be able to see more information about when and at how much velocity your hinge is breaking!
I’ll try this if it starts breaking again, but I raised the density to 10 and it hasn’t broken in like 2 minutes of freely spinning. Looks like you were correct about physics being horrible for lightweight objects, and tysm because I’ve been honestly struggling over this for hours