TorsionSpringConstraints refuse to move to desired angle

I’ve been trying to move a ragdoll’s limbs with TorsionSpringConstraints. This uses two TorsionSpring Constraints to handle both the secondary and main axis of the attachments (TorsionSpringConstraints only align the secondary axis.) This doesn’t really matter anyway because some of the TorsionSpringConstraints are refusing to cooperate. The TorsionSpringConstraints are obviously trying to move to the Attachment0’s secondary axis, but aren’t doing so.

Checking the collision parts (which are separate from the body parts but are welded to them) there aren’t any conflicting parts. There shouldn’t be any because I made sure to make the collision parts not collidable with each other, yet the issue still persists. There aren’t any opposite forces acting upon the constraint, even turning off the secondary constraint to make sure it’s not just conflicting with it doesn’t solve the issue.

Any form of help will be appreciated. (i feel like im going insane)

Apparently I’m quite dumb. LowerTorso turns on collision by itself whenever you try to turn it off. Great job me!