Actions that animate the torso override the crouching animations, whole body adjusts to the torso’s position in the action’s animation when it happens and it’s ruining the crouching animation.
I’ll give a example.
The shooting animation of a double barrel shotgun throws the torso a bit back and because the torso is being moved and the shooting animation is in a standing position, the crouching animation mixes with the shooting animation and the character begins floating.
I’ve tried searching solutions for this but I didn’t find anything that helped.
Is there anything I can do to avoid this? I want the torso to stop overriding the crouching animation’s torso so that the character stays in place instead of beginning to float.
I know a solution would be to edit the shooting animation to not move the torso but first I want to see if there’s any other possible way to fix this so I can possibly keep the original animation.
I do not think so unless you do something like this unless you stop the torso from moving
Does your crouching anim move the torso
Yeah it does, not by much but it is moved.
Here’s the crouch animation to show.
Can you please try and send a video?
So I can see the result of the animation
For the shooting does the animation make the legs move in any way? Or the lower torso
Nope, legs don’t move. I’m using R6 so there is only one torso part.
Ok well your torso acts like a lower torso on your character it moves your whole body so it may be moving your body whilst crouching I would copy the same animation but make a crouching one so it plays a new one add a bool value called isCrouching
Okay! Thanks for replying and helping. I’ll try your solution.
What is animation priority set to? Maybe that could be overriding it.
They said it is on action on one of their posts
^^ Yeah, the shooting animation is set to action and the crouching animation is idle.
Maybe try action? Since you are pressing a key to fire the animation, it makes an action. Idle is when the character isnt moving.
Just tried it, still gets overriden by other actions that happen after the crouching animation is played.
I set the crouching animation to idle because crouching has two animations (and it isn’t hold to crouch, it’s toggled), a idle one that plays when you aren’t moving and a movement one that plays whenever you walk while crouching.
that’s because in your fire animation, the torso has movement, so it plays the fire animation, which is why the torso is where it is
You do not need a idle anim just do this:
local crouchanim = -- //The Code
if speed > 0 then
elseif speed < 0 then -- //If doesnt work switch 1 and 0 around will be kinda glitchy at first but will work after moving again
Ohhh I see how that’d work, thanks.
Edit: 02/01/2022
This issue was actually resolved very long ago, but I forgot to close the topic.
It was because the crouch animation lowered the whole character down. Making the torso in it’s normal position in the animation editor made it work perfectly.