that was just a reply to the other guy. Did you make the animation yourself? I think you should try remaking the animation
just share the a copy of the game with me on studio.
The game that im working on or the game that i just send you?
whichever you are having this issue with. if you dont want me having access to the original game just make a copy of it
I made my problem in another experience where there are no more scripts, just the problem so you can see
StuckTorsoBug.rbxl (53.9 KB)
I’m going to go to sleep it’s already 3:44 AM I spent all night trying to fix this xd, I haven’t slept, tomorrow I’ll keep trying to fix it again
(BTW, sorry if I misunderstood something you said because mainly I don’t speak English )
try commenting out line 418 of the animate script
The same things happen :c Dont work
yeah idk it worked for me. The issue is def with the tool animation you have. Try recreating a new one with just the arms and everything tmrw
FINALLY… FINALLY! FINALLYYY!! I managed to find the problem after several days trying to find out what it was. Apparently the problem was the dummy that I used to make the animation of the weapon, I just made another one and put the weapon on it and it seemed to work that the previous dummy was cursed or something xd.
Btw thx for the help @HeartBeatStoppah
If someone has a real solution, it would help me a lot
A solution I found was to remove the ToolNone animation from the roblox animate script.