Unless you override the default Torso animation, it will not follow the rest of the joints. The default for any joint is for its Motor6d to be idle( frozen in place at its origin position with no Motor6d influence ), unless you specifically animate it.
Being unchecked means that the according joint is not under the influence of the animation, and does not have any KeyFrame’s. Do you already have the torso implemented into your run animation track?
some of that i did not understand, but to answer your question: yes, the torso does move in the running animation, the tools animations are all set to action, while the running animation is set to movement.
Let me state it simpler. If you are not specifically animating the Torso in your run animation, to be where you want it to be, it is not going to move and will remain at a still. For the Torso to do what you want, you need to give it a spot in the animation track.
If you don’t animate the Torso, it will just be frozen in place, since there is no animation acting on it.
what should the animations be set to? i gave the torso a spot in the tool anim a spot in the animation editor. like should the tool or the running anim be set to action, movement, idle, etc?
the torso has a spot in the tools animation. the tool animationpriority is set to action, the running animations priority is set to movement, i still get the same problem.
This is indeed very strange, and frustrating.
Unless someone else comes up with a solution, I would try creating a new sword animation, by copy and pasting keyframes over. Maybe starting with a blank slate will solve it.