Torso turning based on head rotation

I have been trying to get a working first-person head rotation that will turn your torso based on your head’s rotation. A nice example would be the rake by @RVVZ where your torso will turn after a certain head angle.

I found out, that nobody really has any tutorials about this topic. I’ve tried to look at many different forum posts and I’ve searched in the toolbox for many different solutions. I sadly am not able to get it working. I think it has something to do with the camera subject.

I think you could change the camera subject to the head and make it so the head rotates towards the camera rotation. Using math.abs() could help determine the difference between the head’s rotation and the torso’s rotation.


Can you elaborate a bit more on what you want? If it’s first person, the torso rotated automatically anyways.

Could you post a video of what you mean with the rake? That might help.

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The torso basically starts turning as soon as the head reaches a certain angle.
Usually, when the player is in first-person, the torso automatically rotates towards the camera X angle.
I want the torso to rotate as soon as the head rotates to a certain X angle.

I’m sorry that the framerate is so low.