Tostring(table) returns something cool, but how do I revert it?

When trying to save a table to a StringValue I used the tostring() method and the outcome was a compressed table in a string format.
The result looked like this: table: 0xb506ee799bb044f8

Now I was wondering if I could turn it back into a table exactly how it was before.
This was the code I used if anyone is interested.
script:WaitForChild("Value").Value = tostring({"Hi", "Hello", ["Goodbye"] = {"Bye"}})

I don’t think this is possible. To recieve your desired result, I think something like this would work:

local tableStr = table.concat({ "Test", "test2" }, " ")

Hmm, alright then. How do I reverse the concat then?

You know what after doing some more searching I found something better:

function strToTable(list) -- Comma-Separated-Values to Table
	local out = {}
	for entry in string.gmatch(list, "[^,]+") do -- [^,] means: anything that is not a comma (the ^ is the not). + means: as many of it in a row as you can get
		table.insert(out, entry)
	return out

function tableToStr(list)
	return table.concat(list, ",") -- turn the table into one string, with a comma between each value

This utilized the concat I told you about before however it removes the { and }

These functions can be used to make a table to a string and reverse

Yea, I tried that but I found it was just too long, I ended up on settling on JSON:Encode() using HttpService`.

Yeah I was going to recommend it, however nothing I read said it was working for them, and I’m not on my computer now and didn’t want to give you something that doesn’t work!

Fair enough, thanks though. I am going to do some more research on Stack Overflow but if I find nothing ill just give your method the big green check.

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