Total Views not being calculated correctly

Reproduction Steps

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Press the Activity button
  3. Go to Topics
  4. Press Expand if not expanded
  5. Get your most viewed topics’ views
  6. Add them all together and compare it to the views it says in your profile

Expected Behavior

It should have like 8,570 views

Actual Behavior
It’s still 1,779 views

Issue Area: Roblox DevForums Profile
Page URL: Profile - VSCPlays - DevForum | Roblox
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2023-03-23 15:10:00 (+05:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2023-03-23 15:15:00 (+05:00)

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why do you think you have 6k views? it seems to work for me.


because my most viewed topic has 5,300 views, and when I combine it all, it would be 8,569 :confused:

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there is a big misunderstanding here as you see those views mean how many times a person viewed your profile not topics combined!


Oh I thought it was how many times the user has opened a DevForum.

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nope its not like that.

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then what is the purpose of the “views” feature?


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to tell you how much others viewed your profile.

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but it doesn’t show the users who viewed, also I might ask discourse if there is in

Why would it? Views are calculated by the number of people that view your DevForum profile.

Discourse also has it.


its quite a stupid question honestly. why would it show thats uneccerssary

I will get this topic locked and please read something similar I asked in discourse instead