[Totally lost] Tweening models with multiple parts

This is what I’d like to achieve, except without having to manually move the lights.

Here is the hiearchy inside the explorer tab.

I literally have no understanding on how to do this, I tried TweenService but it just wasn’t moving the right direction and only one of the parts were moving.

If anyone could help steer me in the right direction, thank you!

How can I weld more than two parts together? Do I just need to use more than one WeldConstraint?

yeah you do. you can either use a weld script or manually create welds here:

then click the part you want to weld to another part, and then click the other part:

how to do it through a weld script:

-- welds two parts together in their current relative orientation
local function createWeld(part0, part1, weldType, offset)
	local weld = Instance.new(weldType or "Weld")
	offset = offset or CFrame.new()
	weld.Part0 = part0
	weld.Part1 = part1
	weld.C0 = part0.CFrame:inverse() * part1.CFrame * offset
	weld.Parent = part0
	return weld

-- welds a list of parts in their current relative orientation to a root part
local function weldAll(root, model)
	local welds = {}
	for _, desc in pairs(model:GetDescendants()) do
		if desc:IsA("BasePart") or desc:IsA("UnionOperation") then
			welds[#welds+1] = createWeld(root, desc)
	return welds

weldAll(partToWeldAllPartsTo, model)
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I recommend taking a look at this article. It explains in depth how you can initiate a primary part and weld the remaining parts to the anchored part and tween just that one part.

I’m not the smartest and I don’t understand barely anything in that topic. I’ll read through it again though.

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