I was scripting a fireball that follows your mouse. However there is one bug that I don’t know how to fix. Touched is just not working
Video(you can look at the output right here)
This event only fires as a result of physical movement, so it will not fire if the CFrame property was changed such that the part overlaps another part. This also means that at least one of the parts involved must not be Anchored at the time of the collision.
Is the fireball anchored? Because the touched event will only fire if it’s physics-updated. Else use a heartbeat and Fire:GetTouchingParts(), this method will return a table of all the other parts (with CanCollide) that are touching the fireball.
So you have two options, either unanchor the fireball and figure out how to make it so it doesn’t fall. Or to use the heartbeat and GetTouchingParts() method