Touched Event with Union Not Working

Hi :slight_smile:

I’m having a strange issue with the .Touched event in which it is not firing when it should fire. Video evidence of my issue has been documented on a YouTube video:

The UnionOperator is propelled through a simple Velocity vector upon spawning into the workspace, apart from that everything is totally simple. The code for printing is childed to the BasePart wall and is as follows:


If anyone knows why this is happening I would appreciate it very much if you could let me know any ways of getting round this.

Many thanks,
-Tom :slight_smile:

Please be aware of this note: When attempting to show a YouTube video, just for proof, I highly recommend using something that records shortly and doesn’t require to take some time to process one video clip. In most posts, it’s ShareX, that does the most with screenshotting for proof and gifs (short video-clips without sound).

Have you tried using RayCasting? Raycasting works for the most part.

It’s literally a 20 second video and my internet is exceptionally slow today, sorry for the minor inconvenience.

I would use Raycasting however the arrows are subject a y-direction force meaning they’re actually on a projection. I think it would be much simpler to get around the HitBox issue than to do all the complicated mathematics behind tracing the parabola.


So, it’s too simple and lacks detail, here you go try this:

  print("Debug: object hit")
  if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
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The issue comes that the Touched event itself isn’t firing when the arrow makes contact. So the arrow is fired against a wall, and the above code is running however the function binded to the Touched event is never called. I’m not sure whether this is something that comes with the UnionOperator or not.


Unions have some wacky collisions, try changing collision fidelity to see if anything changes