I don´t even know in which category I should put this.
So, the part is detecting the ball, around 10-20 studs before it´s even close to it, here´s a video:
RealProof.wmv (176.9 KB)
Also, I can´t make it so you can watch the video, if you know how, please tell me.
Have you got any ideas why this is happening?
Here´s the code that detects the ball:

local db = true
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local roundInfo = ReplicatedStorage.roundInfo

	if part:FindFirstChild("Ball") and db then
		roundInfo.Team1.Value += 1 --Changes the Team points amount
		roundInfo.LastToScore.Value = part:FindFirstChild("LastTouch").Value
		db = false
		db = true

When Team.Value is changed it fires this module:

	--Emits particles
	local Particles = script.Particles:Clone()
	Particles.Parent = gameBall
	gameBall.Anchored = true
	--Creates new ball
	gameBall = ball:Clone()
	gameBall.Parent = map
	local ballScript = script.BallScript:Clone()
	ballScript.Parent = gameBall
	ballScript.Enabled = true

So, what´s going on?

it is not “broken” it’s probably because the ball is going at very high speeds. Also i believe this might be a replication problem, have you checked what it looks like on the server?

In case that´s the problem, What can I do?

have you checked where the ball is on the server?

The video is the view from the server. Also, it´s only happening on that map, on other maps it works well.

idk then it must be a problem with your map???

I know it´s quite confusing :sweat_smile:
((char limit))

I dont know how to solve this problem, but you should know .Touched and .TouchEnded are very unreliable. You are better off using magnitude or raycasts.