.Touched not firing

I don’t understand why the .touched event doesn’t fire.
(The gray part in the mob’s torso is supposed to fire a touched event if it touches the unanchored big grey part)

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Do both of the parts have the CanTouch property set to true?

Yes, both of the parts have canTouch set to true.

Try this.

print("Connecting touched event")

If that doesn’t print, there’s a structural problem with your code.

It prints. Though I don’t think it’s a problem with the code.

This is quite odd. Maybe observe the part’s properties while the game is running? That might give you a clue on what’s going wrong here. (I’m suggesting this because humanoids have a tendency to completely mess up the properties of a characters BaseParts)

Yes, it is, but what’s even stranger is that it prints out when my character touches the mob’s grey part. But not the big grey part. I even tried making it cancollide, but it wont print.

Well that means that it might be a problem with the actual part and not the zombie’s parts

I don’t know what tho. It’s an ordinary part.

for i,v in pairs(newmap:WaitForChild("waypoints"):GetChildren()) do
		local ah = Instance.new("Part")
		ah.Size = Vector3.new(2,2,2)
		ah.Parent = v
		local weld = Instance.new("Weld")
		weld.Parent = v
		weld.Part0 = v
		ah.CFrame = v.CFrame
		weld.Part1 = ah
		ah.CanCollide = false

Also in your original post, are you viewing the workspace from the client or the server?

I am viewing it from the client

View from the server. This might be caused by a replication issue.

It looks like it’s the same… Client and server

Try comparing the properties, otherwise I have no idea what might be causing this.

Yeah properties are the same, but i think one of the objects has to be in motion. The mob is constantly getting it’s cframe changed

Touched event might be linked to physics, all I can think of is to do tests at this point.

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Touched event only works with physics, you need to use a shape cast.

Well, i wouldn’t really want raycasting every .1 seconds, i’d like it to do something once the grey part’s been touched…

That is actually not needed. You can use :GetPartsInBoundingBox() on the zombie but again, that is probably as bad as raycasting every frame.

Yeah that’s the problem i’m facing. I don’t want to waste resources on something that isn’t so important in my game… “.Touched” would’ve been perfect…