.Touched triggering before part is touched

That’s what I meant, I didn’t see that but as mentioned earlier, the steps @Narunzo gave should do the trick.

@Narunzo @WooleyWool let me share the script.
I edited the first post and posted the entire script there. Sorry if it’s too disordered and confusing.

Are the animations playing while you’ve been testing this?

By playing you mean working right?, Yes there are working.

If you need the animations script too, I’ll post it too.

So you’ve been using the tween service to grow the second part as both parts are falling?

First I grow the ball parts with Tween Service (main part and white ball part), then I wait until the tween has finished growing and then Instance the new part (middle part) but I do not grow it with Tween Service.

elseif active == true then
				print("numb2 works")
				repeat wait() until fireready == true -- Waiting until the tween finishes --
				alreadycrashed = false

Yeah what I was wanting to know was if you were tweening any parts during the times you tested this. Try disabling the animations and testing it again. I think the animations are causing a data queue which becomes too large and then causes external clients to quickly come to the conclusion that they’ll hit the baseplate instead of actually waiting.

Should I weld the main part to the head? Since the player won’t have animations anymore.

Why are you welding it to the head?

The animation raises the player’s both arms up, that’s why the projectile is above the player. Since there will be no animation welding it to the head so it appears above the head would be good right?

I meant the animation where the ball is growing, or does that happen after the touched event?

O you mean change the size without tween service?

No like disable the size changing all together to see if it’s the size change that’s breaking it.

So I should make it big from the beginning ? (not in the script)

I guess? All I’m saying is that if a part is constantly changing its size while the projectile is falling then that’s probably causing lag for the client end.

Got it, but it also didn’t work, should I put the middle part inside of the main part from the beginning (not instance it in the script) ?

Go ahead and try that but if it doesn’t work then I think it’s just a bug.

I tried many things but still doesn’t work, gotta figure out a new way to do it !
Thanks for your help and time @Narunzo @WooleyWool !!! :smiley: