TouchStarted issue

Touching the screen with multiple fingers will sometimes make the TouchStarted event not fire, I am not sure if this event is supposed to only detect the first touch and no more, in which case it fires too often or if it is meant to detect the start of any touch even while other fingers are on screen, in which case it is firing too little.
I do sincerely hope it is the latter as it is more useful.
I have attached the place file. It prints to the server log because I use SystemMenu and there isn’t support for the test app on that.

I am just attempting to get the number of fingers currently on the screen and this issue is making it very difficult

It also appears a number of events dont work as expected in UserInputService

TouchTap and TouchLongPress appear to work the same.
TouchSwipe doesn’t fire when using more than 1 finger.

This is making me not want to work on mobile games when I cannot do such simple things