Tower Defense Feedback!

Hello, i would like to have some feedback on my tower defense game. When you enter the lobby you can buy all the towers to use in game (i recommend equipping the “Lamp” and the “Assault” tower) then you can go to the helicopter pad and step on the white circle thing next to the helicopter pad to play. Once youre in the game you can vote for a map (vote for the “Classic” map if youre playing for the first time). Theres also unique things i made in this tower defense:

Day/night cycle: Every couple of minutes the game will change to night time and darken the whole map you litteraly cant see anything, so place lamps before night time

Ammo: Every towers have different types of ammos, you can check your ammo supply by clicking the “<” button on the left side of the screen, and you can restock ammo by clicking the “>” button on the right side of the screen

Power: Some towers need powers to work, so you can place solar panels or other towers that produce power anywhere on the map. You can check the amount of power you have by opening the ammo supply menu and clicking the “P” button on the right side of the menu


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I had a go at the game and its a really solid start!

The one main problem I have with it is waiting time. Even when solo is full, you still have to wait a complete 15 seconds before being teleported, and even after everyone has voted, you need to wait an additional 15 seconds. An idea to fix this is to make it so that the countdown automatically reduces to 5 seconds after everyone had voted/filled the lobby teleport.

Secondly (Sorry if this sounds nitpicky), when you click a UI, the interface you selected scales up briefly but it isn’t centered. An easy fix to this is making the UI’s AnchorPoint (0.5,0.5) and adjusting the position to match so.

Finally, there isn’t much of a vibe to playing the matches. There is no background music and most of the time all you can hear is towers shooting. Voicelines, although difficult, can be a really nice addition if you are able to do so.

Small Changes:

  • Some of the UI, for example the cancel button when placing a tower looks different to the rest of the UI.
  • There is a huge leeway as speed of the enemies is not varied by the looks of it.

UI Animation is one of my favorite aspects in this game - nice work on that! Also looks like its been scripted well.

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Ty for your feedback! I will change the cancel UI soon, because it was an old asset i took from my first tower defense game, and i will reduce the time when voting and when waiting. Can you tell me more what do you mean by the enemies speed and the UI that isnt centered? Thanks

To do with speed, the enemies seem like they all travel at the same speed when moving along the track. This really slows down the gameplay and takes long for it to complete a round.

To do with UI, when you click a UI, most notable with a UI on the left side in the lobby, it expands and retracts briefly to animate it. However, when this animation occurs, it does not expand from the center of the UI (doesn’t expand evenly from all sides). Anchorpoint (0.5,0.5) “anchors” the centerpoint of the UI to its actual center, but also affects the position which can be adjusted.

Oh i see about the UI, btw theres a skip feature every 15 seconds so you dont have to wait for the enemies to complete the track and go to the next wave