A few recommendations though, since its called “Pirate’s Cove”, try adding a few pirate themed stuff. Like ship wreckege around the map, a treasure chest, etc. It looks a bit bland right now, but still pretty good!
It’s a good map! Just doesn’t really fit the “Pirate” theme. Maybe add some treasure chests, ropes, and some ships in the distance. And maybe some flag poles with a skull on them or smth.
1. Remove one side of the borders and make it go out into a beach and make it connect to the ocean. The map is a rectangle right now it needs to have more depth.
2. Add some Pirate ships and some treasure chests.
3. The middle of the map kinda looks bland maybe add some clams and small rocks around the middle just not so many that effects gameplay.?
4. The lighting is awful if you fix the lighting I’m sure it will look 5x better.
This is just my opinion it doesn’t really matter anyways, but try adding some of the stuff I said. I think it will make it look a lot better.