Tower Defense: Mythic (FAQ)

Tower Defense: Mythic (FAQ)

This post features frequently asked questions regarding Tower Defense: Mythic. I will often update this post as I encounter more common questions.

General Questions:

  1. How do I turn off the ingame music and/or bullet sounds?
    You can access the settings page on the left side of your screen. Here you will find options for these, as well as many other settings.
  2. How do I add towers to my favorites?
    Open the build menu, and click the star on the top left of your favorite tower. Favorite towers can be easily accessed at the bottom of your screen.
  3. Where do I find and redeem codes?
    Codes can be found in our socials listed at the bottom. Some socials have unique codes so it is best to join all of them. Codes can be redeemed in-game in the settings menu.
  4. How do I report bugs that I find?
    You can join our Roblox group, discord server (specific channel for this) or tweet me. Links to both socials will be at the bottom of this post.
  5. How do I suggest ideas and features for the game?
    Similar to reporting bugs, you can do this through any of our socials linked at the bottom of this post.

Shiny Towers:

  1. What is a shiny tower?
    A shiny tower is a rare version of a tower, which does 3x the damage of the normal form. It also looks different to the normal form.
  2. What is the chance of getting a shiny tower?
    Random chance of 2%.
  3. Which towers have shiny forms available?
    All normal towers have a shiny form. However, Limited and Mythic towers do not have shiny forms.

Mythic Towers:

  1. How do I get Mythic towers?
    Mythic towers can only be earned through rebirthing. They are extremely powerful towers that will help you progress through stages easier.
  2. How do I view all the Mythic towers in the game?
    You can access the Mythic Index through the settings page. Here you can view each Mythic tower and click the image to see their unique details.
  3. Do I keep my Mythic towers when I rebirth?
    Yes, you can never lose any of your Mythic towers.
  4. Are Mythic towers free to use?
    Yes, you can build and remove Mythic towers for free at any time you want.
  5. Do Mythic towers have upgrades?
    No, there are currently no upgrades for Mythic towers. This is because they are already incredibly strong.

Limited Towers:

  1. What are Limited towers?
    Limited towers are a type of tower which can only be earned during certain events. They are permanent, free to build, and stay with you even through rebirths.
  2. How do I get Limited towers?
    Limited towers can be earned during events such as Halloween, Christmas, etc. If they are available at the time, you will know as it will be made clear.

Social links:

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