Tower Defense: Redefined - Devlog #1

Tower Defense: Redefined aka. TDR for short is a Tower Defense game I am working on!
Slightly similar to Tower Defense Simulator but with a more retro style and different towers that will do different things.

Let me introduce you to the one and only…


Yeah, it really isn’t that great just a random big baseplate of grass and 2 buttons for testing with the data with a spawn location and 1 guy…

Don’t worry though this lobby won’t be the final product it will just be there throughout the beta stage.

I got the data, I got the temporary lobby, and I got a guy which I am going to transform them into a tower…

Devlog #2 will have much more progress included such as: UI, Elevators, Zombies, Pathfinding, Towers, etc.

But for now, this is Devlog #1 for…

Tower Defense: Redefined


The Baseplate is the starting point, a great map is the ending point. Everyone has a start. Keep going!


Looks amazing so far, I like the game concept If you’re in need of a Programmer please let me know I’ll be glad to help out.

Teaser for Devlog #2! :eyes:

Another teaser for Devlog #2!

Making Progress!


Will this be a brick-battle like an old Roblox type Zombie/Tower type game? Otherwise the UI in your latest Devlog says otherwise, however if shall be done is it possible in the zombie game, may you tell us more about what the game is about or any stories relating to it? Any more details? Thanks.

Also good progress on the UI though to make it more interesting it is also optional to make the UI buttons have different colors.


Yep, you are correct about the type of game.

No story yet sadly but I am planning to add a story.

It is going to be a brick-battle type tower defense game where you fend off zombies.

What would be good colors for the buttons?

Cool icons doing things! - Icons can now shuffle when you hover over them!

When showing a video, put it on or youtube or any other website, because some people won’t see it if it’s needed to download the video.

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You can now view the video!


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New gameplay video for Devlog #1 of Tower Defense: Redefined aka. TDR.
Much better quality.
Very recently got OBS so it improved ALOT of the quality no longer using Roblox’s recorder!

This will be the final thing in the Devlog added by me while I work on Devlog #2 which will feature ALOT of stuff.

I don’t have a clear release date of Devlog #2 but it is expected to release on March 20th, 2022.

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The actual last final video of Devlog #1

Minor improvements has been made.

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Retro style? It just looks like everything has studs on it.

Here’s what I learned about old Roblox:

  • Spawn should be 6 * 1.2 * 6 if I remember correctly.

  • Spawn should have top and bottom surfaces set to smooth.

  • Spawn should have all other surface types set to Weld.

  • Parts that are not spawns typically have no studs except for the top has studs and the bottom is inlet.

  • Water is usually not terrain water, but a part with glue on it.

  • NO R15!

  • Lighting is Compatibility or Legacy. If compatibility, brightness is either 1-2, and shadows are disabled depending on time range.

  • RespawnTime is five seconds.

  • legacy chat only pls

  • No atmosphere/DOF/Blur/whatever.

  • UICorner didn’t exist, but UI typically had the Style property set to some of the roblox ones. I recommend RobloxButton and RobloxButtonDefault, as it makes it more retro. Frames typically had DropShadow, RobloxRound, or RobloxSquare.

Also, since you’re making a tower defense game, I recommend you use humanoids and use legacy tools like the classic sword, paintball gun, super ball, slingshot, etc.

However, the current progress you’ve made is good, I guess.

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I believe just add some lively colors of either red, blue, and green, I pressume since the old brick-battles, the old Roblox-style buttons also have purple for colors as well as yellow. The buttons in the image seem to be already ok, however I believe you should add a “stud” texture to them as well as the baseplate, it looks a bit too new.

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The look I am going for it’s a retro style but also in a realistic way to make the game more unique.

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Devlog #2 will be delayed however in April the game might get a Beta Release.

Devlog #2 is expected to release on March 24th.

But for now, here’s a sneak peek.

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