Tower of ____ Games - Worth Making?


I have always wanted to develop my own game. Last year I attempted to make a “survive BTS” game for my little brother (don’t ask lol), but Studio crashed and I lost everything, so I gave up on that. Earlier this year I wanted to make a board game, and I actually made all the models, but I do not know how to script. Frankly, I have no interest in scripting and don’t have sufficient funds to hire a professional. So, I gave up on that as well.

Yesterday I was playing “Cotton Tower” (a ToH type game) when it hit me. Obby games are fairly easy to model/build and require minimal, if any, scripting. I could make a tower/obby! However, I want to choose a certain theme so it’s not a rip-off of any other game. I want to make it unique! Then, if the game is a success, I can take the funds and go back to the board game I wanted to make!


Feel free to give your opinion in any format, however, these are just some questions I’d want answered if possible!

  • Are ToH games still in demand/players still interested in them?
  • How should I monetize the game while keeping the fun and not just shoving gamepasses in player’s faces?
  • Is there anything you guys think I should do differently than other ToH games?

I say maybe because it might not blast after so many games were made, but if you want to do it for experience, yes, do it.


You will need some experience with Vector3 if you want to make a randomized tower, otherwise, you should be good to go!

The obby community is quite big and the demand for these games seems to be fairly good.

so, yes, it’s worth it IMO


The thing is with doing a already existing popular and common game genre is it’s harder to stand out, unless you have a amazing plan and development skills it may be harder to make it as popular as the others. But it all depends. You have to make the game stand out from the rest. If it’s a direct copy or very similar in concept to Tower of Hell for example, players will think “Why should I play this when I can play the original?”.


You can just do this: stage:MoveTo(startPosition) and the stages will get stacked.


Maybe not if there is more than a variety of ToH games.

But then again, variety of FPS games, oh well, shooting gets old.

Are ToH games still in demand/players still interested in them?

Again, no.

How should I monetize the game while keeping the fun and not just shoving gamepasses in player’s faces?

I think your only option is just encouraging players to buy premium.

Is there anything you guys think I should do differently than other ToH games?

Add some unique mechanics like bhopping, wall jumping, vaulting, etc.

ToH games are definitely worth making and a lot of fun to make. As long as you are adding on your own significantly unique twist to it, it’s most likely going to do pretty well. If you don’t add something that is unique to your game, why play that over the others?

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In my opinion, no. There are too many tower games, yours will easily get confused with others.

These are quite easy to script, resulting in tons of tower games.


I don’t think so. Because like, why would you play an off-brand ToH game when you can just play ToH? Also ToH games just don’t feel the same, and there are already a lot of ToH games.


I’d say it’s a good starting-off point. If you have a stage-shuffler, that’s a good way to learn about ReplicatedStorage and tables. I wouldn’t say it’s a good idea to make one for your final game, because they can get old really quickly.

Yes, but why switch? Tower of CENSORED has almost infinite possibilities and is the orig game. Making it monetizeable will be harder to.

I’d say no, if they want to play a tower of X then what better choice is there other than playing the original

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After the original ToH game was released and became popular the whole market for these games boomed like with simulators. But, just like with simulators there are so much pointless ones that many people have stuck with the few they know well.
ToH games are good for getting some experience with the platform, but you shouldn’t rely on it to make you much robux or get much players.

Try to play 5 TOH games, including the original. When you are playing them, right down everything about it, from UI, music, design, and any other stuff. When you are done, look at your list for each of the games, and see what is the same. Once you find it out, don’t do it. If they all have upbeat music, try some different type of music. If the stage is going up, make it go down, sideways, up, and any other direction. Also try to name it differently, not something like tower of hard, tower of not that hard but not that easy, or tower of fun. Nothing with Tower of. Hope this helps!


Tower of ____ games are to common now, people just want to play the regular version and not some like off-brand version.
It can be good starting off with one but most of the time you won’t get that much players.

Tower of Hell is my favorite game on Roblox because it is just a relaxed game and it is addicting. However, I personally dislike the knock-off versions of Tower of Hell because they overdo it with the effects and GUIs while the original one is has a simplistic style.

I personally would not want another Tower of Hell type game because every game that becomes mainstream on Roblox spawns several games that are too similar but if you add a twist or something then you could make a lot of profit!

I’m currently working on a type of Tower of Hell and Cotton Tower inspired game too. I’m trying to make everything about the game different by including things are ToH doesn’t have or something I think would be fun!

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As a developer for ToH-Checkpoints (1M+ Visits) I would say it is still worth it as we gain 100k every week or two and yesterday we hit 1M, they are still really active as I am best friends with a developer for ToH-Easy (1k Concurrent players, 300M Visits+)

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Tower of hell “games” are just unoriginal games. They’re based off another game, making it non original.

Can you make a game with the same mechanics and better than the original?

Yes, but none the less people will still think it’s unoriginal, because it is.

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Then can I ask, is Tower Of Hell still famous among players?

Don’t just beg for robux, use your in-game currency to let them buy stuffs in the gamepass.