Tower of Witness Stage Creating System!

Hello! Welcome to this topic!

In this topic I’ll explain how to create your own custom stage for the game. Because players have been asking me the same question over and over again. So because of that, i decided to explain it to you guys! Let’s begin! :grin:

First, download this file as this is the file needed to create your stage. But also note that you can ONLY create your stage via Roblox Studio so if you don’t have access or don’t know how to use Roblox Studio please do not download this file.



(11.5 KB)

After you’ve downloaded the file, open Roblox Studio and do Right Click on Workspace in the Explorer Tab. You’ll see Insert from File. Click on that and select the Stage Template that you have downloaded. After you imported the stage file you’ll see a model showing up that has 4 Parts. A Part, a Truss, a Neon Part, (KillBrick.) and a Conveyor.

Those are the only parts that you will be able to use. Duplicate the parts to use them in your stage. You will also have to name your stage. If you do not know how to name your stage then just leave it like that. The stage will eventually receive it’s name and creator once you send your stage to us. Oh, and also color your stage the color you wan’t it to be!

After you’re done creating your stage make sure to test it. If you think everything is alright and complete in your stage then do Right Click on the Stage Template in Workspace in the Explorer Tab and click on Save to File. Save the file to your device and name it what you want. Just make sure it’s a RBXM File.

How do i send my stage?

You can send your stage on one of our community platforms!

I hope that this helped! If you have any questions, post that on our Roblox Group Wall or message that to me on my profile!

Thank you for reading and good luck! :grin:

:gear: Tips. :gear:

1. Always try starting your stage higher up at the left side, or at the right side to avoid having problems with the stage below you. You never know which stage you’re even going to get below you!

2. Always try to finish your stage at the left side or at the right side at the ending part. Because once again, you never know!

3. Make sure to first read the disabled ‘Info.’ Script. I have listed important stuff in that script that you guys should read before constructing your stage!

4. Make sure you do not put inappropriate constructions in your stage! Doing that will get you banned from creating stages depending on what you did!

I hope these tips can give you advice before you are going to create your stage.

Thank you for understanding and good luck!