Tower Protecc I Release! (PRE-BETA)

Yes yes, we have released…

Feedback Please
(Music Will Change Soon)


I’m playing it and its great!
I suggest not starting with 750 million cash and making invisible map walls, I can’t wait to see what this game will turn into!


750 million cash was for testing, we pro should remove that

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Not bad. Some feedback.

  1. No way to cancel placing a tower.
  2. Hard to tell which towers are mine and which ones are my teammates
  3. AIs a bit buggy (eg: sometimes keeps watching the wrong enemy)
  4. Can’t tell what towers are which on the tower placement UI
  5. Some better ui would be nice

Ps. interesting use of the TSL lobby :stuck_out_tongue:

well a simple way to know what a tower is its cost
(Rockeeter Cost 1k, and knife cost 750)
im guess you played halloween?
also if ya want to cancel your towers, reset.
also remaking everthing soon

Oh btw, it is hard to make the models without any 3D Modeling experice
who and here is a pic with the creator and @NotAid_n

He says its a bug with spawning hence why 3 Hallow Kings Spawned.
Remeber @TheStudKingYT Made the game, i help a lot on it.

ill be harsh.

this game system was a free model.
Try customizing the gui and towers.
also I would give credit to the person who actually made the system.
other wise just fix some bugs.
overall the building is bad.
anyways the halloween theme is cool


Oh boy. This is going to be a long one.

I am going to be point blank with this. I did not have fun playing this game.

you may be asking, “Why?”

This is my full review and experience of the game.

Immediatly when I joined I was met with a free model lobby.

It was painfully obvious too how many free models there were as it appears NONE of them were made to go together.


The map is well… nothing special. The same basic terrain sloppily pasted over and over again.

Well, what about the UI?

None of it worked! All the UI was the same tower.

The placement system was painfully plain and buggy.

None of the characters were positioned correctly and didn’t have any visual or audial cues that showed that they were actually doing damage to these enemies ripped from TDS, just like the trailer had many ripped assets from TDS.
The animation system simply did not work. Very sloppy.
by the way, that backround noise is IN the game.
The towers tend to break a lot. I could not click this tower and It wouldn’t shoot.

I give this game a 1/10. It hardly works, most of it is free models and it is painfully not fun.

Something that I am sure of and don’t want to call out for but I am fairly sure this game is a model/is not made by him, because ive seen the same UI and placement system in many other horrible tower defense type games.

I got bored by wave 5 and quit. This game is a free model mess and is way too buggy for the Pre-beta phase.


The game is in good shape functionality-wise. The style and features feel fairly congruent.

It is still quite similar to Tower Defence Simulator though. I would suggest considering what will make your game different so that players will better recognize it in the future.

A few bugs I encountered:

Good luck on the game; hope it gets far.


this money is from testing, we are changing it soon, plus we remove Hardcore in the newest update for reasons
you are playing old version
and we will fix the rock


When you die when you have the upgrade menu open the blue range area stays visible

oh alright. will fix

This text will be blurred

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Hes not even a rocketeer lol, he litterly shoots bullets still and at max upgrade still does 4 dmg

Laughs in 4K
thats its max dmg

hey at least im in the picture. not bad

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I honestly think that this game needs a lot of fixes.

  1. The music is to loud, litterly my computer was at 12 and it was blasting into my freaking ears.

  2. This game has a load of bugs, why did you make the game pre beta if nothings really fixed? its like adopt me releasing their game but then when you try to fly the unicorn you die for some reason and never respawn. Audio not loading ( swoosh.wav ), Being able to litterly have all of your units in the same exact place with the same exact orientation, the boss’s litterly sliding on the floor, etc…

  3. This game seems terrible made, not polished at all and I feel like in the future you would make a lot of monetization related things, almost as your attempting to make this just for a cashgrab.

  4. Why are the stats misleading? I noticed that for the “on” Rocketeer, his stats say 4 dmg and 2 range at max upgrades, And I was told by a reply on this post, that the actually value was freaking 6,000+. This makes it harder to even play the game, as I can’t tell what is a good or bad unit. Also, why are none of the units named at all but we just call them names here on the Devforum? Why is this game full of free models? I honestly don’t think anyone would want to play a such low polished game like this. And theirs so much more I can keep going on and on about that this game has a issue with.

If I was to say what I liked, I like the characters but I can’t tell if their free models or not.

I insanely agree with @InPhulze, looking at what he wrote, this game looks like it had NO effort at all put into it and was simply a cashgrab. Im probably not looking forward to play this game again, I feel like even actually Tower Defense Cash grab’s can actually make a proper and polished lobby and fix bugs, I hope you take some of my advice to at least improve on your game. If I was to give it a rating I would rate it a 0/10, Im not trying to be biased or mean, its my honest opinion on the game.

if I was to tell the whole developer community one of the biggest developer sins that you can make is to not release a unpolished/unfinished game that still has a lot of bugs in it.

I wish you luck, and improve your game further on.

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Glad you enjoyed my review.

And yes, this game does look like a cash grab, and im also very sure its from a free model kit

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I also hate how the developers never respond or even take note of this

Its neglecting their players

I’m a bit late, but the game is literally made out of free models. Like, literally everything. I’ve seen this tower defence model many times in other games before like this one:

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no its not a

its a fun little Project that we’ve worked on.

you must have you’re speakers on high it was fine to me.


i do agree but, we are willing to add people to the team.