
Hello this is my first EVER Forum Post! I was confused on what to post but I got a good idea. I have a game called Tower Of Insanity and as a new dev I want you as a community’s help. Now you may be wondering ok sure ill give feedback but on what? Well I would like feedback on the overall game please be honest as I want to learn from my past projects. Sincerely, Dev Battery
(Edit: Yes I am the owner of the game but on my dev alt as my main is for personal things mainly)


Hey @DevBattery! :wave:

I’d like to state some feedback.

Great Insane game! Very well done. 10/10 :+1:

In this image below, In my opinion the GUI should be changed. Just me though. Everything else is GREAT! :happy3:


Thanks for the feedback but if you can, can you be more specific with the gui.


Alright, let me explain more about the GUI part.

You should put all of them to this side. (image below)

And maybe different colors.

Like I said, only my opinion nobody has to agree with me at all.

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Thank you to be honest I kinda agree I will be adding roundify and changing the colors a bit but not too bright, Thanks for the feedback!

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Feedback : The tower game is cool . I liked the builds and stuff .

Suggestion : You can add more things like power-ups ,daily reward etc

Like @ccletusx said , its only my opinion nobody has to agree with me at all. :slight_smile:


There is a lot that can be improved.
Make the support chats more useful. ah yes, just the support i needed.

Add names to the towers. Like “Hard Tower” and “Easy Tower” sounds boring. Could you imagine if JToH’s tower’s names were like that?

Also, make the spectate GUI above the other ones.

Have less repetitive jumps on the towers and make the checkpoints neon so it’s more clear that it’s a checkpoint.

And, the tower in the picture above looks similar to this.

Make the towers just better.

Add music to the game to make it more fun.

Use the JToH Kit. With it, you can get things like spinning platforms, buttons, etc.

An example of a good tower game is this game.

I like what you were going for, but I think you just didn’t do it right.

  1. The name people will think of a copy of ToH
  2. The ui looks old
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Thank you for the feedback I dont agree with many things you said I do agree with such as “Make the support chats more useful”, “checkpoints neon so it’s more clear that it’s a checkpoint” and “Add music to the game to make it more fun”

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The inside of the game is pretty solid and original and I love it :heart::+1:

The problem is the Game Name and description.

  1. You should name your game - [Music!] Tower Of Insanity rather than typing Music TowerofInsanity without spaces.
    Capitalization is a very big point of making a game look professionally built :+1:

  2. The description is pretty basic.
    You don’t need to point out that the game is not like tower of hell.
    It makes people description kinda boring

Follow these steps to make a good description.

Rather than telling Thanks to onFramed for donating you can type this -

[Top Donators!]

  • OnFramed
  • LemonDrinkii
  • SpringManJ

Thank you for your support for making helping me make the game better!

This is much better.

Finally, I would like to say the game is absolutely awesome!
I loved it that’s why I decided to donate a bit to you :slight_smile: :hugs:

It’s not much it’s just 50 Robux(I don’t have much Robux that’s why)


Thanks man thanks for the feedback and the donation!