ToWorldSpace() / Angles Issue

Hi, I’m building something that creates a knife to face an enemy. However, when I try to use :ToWorldSpace() on the CFrame, it doesn’t work, and faces awkwardly. The Orientation Offset on the knife is (-90, 90, 0). Does anyone know how to change that to covert and work with Angles?

If it helps, here’s my script:

local offset = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(90), 0)
local goalz = {} --Tweenservice goal
goalz.Position = head.Position
goalz.CFrame =, head.Position) 
--knif is the knives position, head is the enemies head
goalz.CFrame = goalz.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(offset)

You aren’t calling a tween?
(30 characters)

There is a tween that plays, the knife does actually tween over to the part. My issue is just with the way it does. (I can include the Tween, but it wouldn’t be of much use.)