ToyVille, New upcoming HORROR Game on Roblox

So, guys I am making a horror game in Roblox which is based inside a daycare. Suddenly, staff & other employees were lost & player has gone to investigate that.

There are cutscenes, advanced scripts like computer hacking, AI pathfinding, etc., with insane graphics & storyline. There will be several chapters of this game made gradually once the previous one becomes successful.

I had play-tested my game without dying & I could complete it in 30-35 min. I am planning to make it bigger but lacking ideas.

So, can you all suggest some cool ideas on what extra rooms I should add to make it bigger? I can send the game link if you wanna playtest, but you have to join my group & mention your username below so I can rank you up as a tester.

Make sure there are lots of stuff that has to be added before publishing.

Inside the group, you will see a public game which has many bugs, so I am remaking it again by making it better & adding whole new features.


This looks so detailed, and kinda reminds me of something you’d see made by mob games. I’d love to playtest and provide some feedback. Do you have a game link?


Ahh Poppy Playtime reference at the floor, due to his cartoonish color but I’m not sure if this would give me an certain effect to my brain


Yes i do have a game link. Can you share me your Discord ID (mine is @itsfoxy_og)


Yup! Kinda inspired from Poppy Playtime. :thinking::grin:


mine is @rothisk i added u

char lim

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Looks very nice from the pictures. Kind of reminds me of an abounded facility.
When do you plan to release?


For now it still need a lot of work. But roughly it will be publsihed around August.

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sorry to say this but the “wholesome location suddenly becomes evil with an evil mascot” has been done to death. unless you’ve suddenly reinvented the genre, i probably wouldn’t play it


So the name of the game would think me from an abandoned playground?

The future lighting shall amaze everyone and me

looks cool, but nowadays these horror games with realistic lighting, best building, models, and scary monster models, has lacking gameplay, logic, and idea