TP Gui doesnt work

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Make a gui that teleports players.

  2. What is the issue? It teleports the camera but not character and when you walk it all becomes wierd.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Changing a few things in the localscript but it resulted in errors and the same issues.

Local Script

local twrpath = game.Workspace.TowerSpawns.Tower1.Position

	game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = twrpath


You shouldn’t use a local script for this if you are trying to teleport the player.

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Do you mean to use, :SetPrimaryPartCFrame()? Because it moves the whole model from the primarypart:

local twrpath = game.Workspace.TowerSpawns.Tower1.CFrame


If I’m not mistaken local scripts can work because clients have network ownership of their character.

Never tried it so maybe it does.

Not sure about what to use i just need to teleport a player using a gui.

Try using :MoveTo(Vector3) on the character model

Alright let me try it. Hope it works.

Is this correct game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:MoveTo(100,100,100)? sorry im new.

Unable to cast double to Vector3

You must use to construct a new Vector3

Use CFrame, this gives you the exact position and rotation of the part

local twrpath = game.Workspace.TowerSpawns.Tower1.CFrame

Next, use the :SetPrimaryPartCFrame() function of your rig, this will set the CFrame of your rig while maintaining the joint positions

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I think so but it will be like this or the one that Filtered provide you.

The MoveTo(Vector3) from xZylter worked thanks!

move:to doesnt teleport them, it just moves the character over to a position, and not actually teleporting them.

Model:MoveTo() does do that. You’re thinking of Humnaoid:MoveTo().

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oh them nvm, i didnt really understand what you were saying but yeah the model does that.