Tracing Rays in Studio

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to: visualize where rays are being cast when debugging a code that uses rays

If Roblox is able to address your issue, how would it improve your game and/or your development experience? Please be as specific as possible: I am constantly miscasting rays, it can take up to an hour sometime to figure out what is going wrong - and that’s through adding marker parts to specific points on the ray. If there was a way to see the rays in studio that would be great.


cant you just make a part along the ray


You can, but it would be nice if I could just press a button and see the ray


I’m sure someone has made a plugin for this? I use to impulse make plugins on these kind of requests but I got to do a lot of stuff today :frowning:

you could always just make a modulescript that makes a part along the ray, so you can just paste the modulescript into your game, hook it up to your code and easily just use it whenever you like

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I usually make a small, invisible, anchored, uncollidable part at 0,0,0 called something like “Origin” and parent/adorn LineHandleAdornments to it for debugging rays using world space coordinates.


If you don’t want to create a dummy part, you can adorn it to Terrain. Since Terrain extends BasePart and its CFrame is always at the origin, it can be used as an adornee for HandleAdornments or parent for attachments.