Track CameraType causing crashes for Mac's

I decided to just make a new thread since last one was kinda messy.

Moving the Camera around with Right Click while on a CameraType of Track will cause mac’s to crash.
This only occurs in a Live Server, and does not happen in Studio.

Quick Version:

Average Version:

Repro Place: Track Camera Crashing Macs - Roblox

Repro Steps:

  1. Equip Glider and Left Click to begin gliding (sets cameraType to Track)
  2. Right Click to move Camera around
  3. Will sometimes crash
  4. If Step 3 does not happen, then hit spacebar and left click again to set CameraType from Custom back to Track, and repeat Step 2.

Other Cases this will not cause the Player to crash, rather it will break the camera script and strange things happen.

Sorry poor quality

What is on the Dev Console:

This is quite annoying since I use a Track CameraType during my Replays and if I attempt to get a better angle with the camera it crashes :(. I also confirmed it with another mac user.