Hello Guys, I am having a recent issue with trademark violations
A few years ago, I did have clothing with “Nike” or “Adidas” in the titles. Now I am getting them taken down and getting violations on my account. However, I heard that getting 3 is bad and I could get terminated any moment but I literally cannot access these items anymore. They are made in groups that I left. Is there a way that I can delete them or see all of the items I have made on ROBLOX just to make sure that I do not have any ones with trademark names in them? I emailed support to ask for help but I just wanna know if I can see how I can delete/archive these because I find it so unfair that I can’t even delete these myself…
To my knowledge, you can’t do anything really about it. If this is really the case then this shows how outdated robloxs moderation system really is. My suggestion is trying to contact Roblox Support as this seems to be your only hope as of now
I looked through my images tab (as the guy did in the post) and I do see the templates there. How do I delete them? I can not seem to find a delete button. It says they were made by me as well.
Here is the thing. It seems like it’s impossible to get rid of system generated images:
Normally to archive assets you cannot normally archive, you contact copyright_agent@roblox.com or contact Roblox Support but it seems like they don’t archive your images after completing the request.
Maybe try linking your old clothing instead but the DMCA Agent could argue that you aren’t the owner of said asset
Oh…so basically what I just did is that I archived each decal that had the clothing template on it. So should I link the images or the decal in the roblox support email? I have them from the copy asset ID thingy.
I would say you should link both clothing IDs and image IDs. Decals are seperate and aren’t related to clothing i think
On Roblox Support, use this catagory to request them getting archived and link the assets and also be patient because they sometimes need months to respond:
I sent an email without the thing so I will reply to the email with the ID links. To be honest, I do not have the clothing links for all simply because there is 1 clothing I see in images that hasn’t been taken down and it does have a risky name so I want to add that as well.
Alright good luck with your removal request. You will receive this email after some months confirming they will process it which will take longer than 30 days
Alright I just emailed them with the image IDs and known clothing links that I have (only 2). I sent them multiple image IDs that I saw in my inventory. That was the best I could do. I hope they can help me. I am definitely a little bit stressed by ROBLOX moderation haha. I wish there was a more clear way to do things. And that is really weird how you can not access things you made in groups that you left. There is so much that needs to be created for a better website to be honest…
Update: They confirmed and they are gonna remove them!
I am certain i’m not gonna get terminated and they actually responded quickly lol. For anyone else dealing with this, it is still okay to send the image decal IDs.