Trading Api Error | Python

Hi, I’ve been messing around with the trade api, and I’ve continued to get the error (Searched the forum couldn’t find anything):

{'errors': [{'code': 9, 'message': 'Invalid number of trade offers.', 'userFacingMessage': 'Something went wrong'}]}

I don’t know why this error is being caused, any help is appreciated thanks.

import requests
import os
import json

session = requests.Session()
session.cookies[".ROBLOSECURITY"] = os.environ['Key']

userId = 430874503
itemIWant = 928908332 #Asset Id

owners = session.get(f"{itemIWant}/owners?limit=25").json()

for i in owners['data']:
  if i['owner'] != None:
    ownerId = i['owner']['id']
    UAID = i['id']

    data = {
        "offers": [
                "userId": ownerId, #traderUserId
                "userAssetIds": [
                "robux": 0
                "userId": 430874503, #My UserId
                "userAssetIds": [
                "robux": 0

    req ="", data=data)

    if "X-CSRF-Token" in req.headers:
      session.headers["X-CSRF-Token"] = req.headers["X-CSRF-Token"]
      if req.status_code == 403:
        request ="", data=data)

bump, i faced the same issue and i don’t understand what’s the problem even though i tracked the request and copied it 1:1