Trading gamepasses... but what about the economy?

So… I was making a simulator game… but I was intending for it to be high-detailed and not rushed like most simulators (not to say that all simulators are rushed but you get the point). But while i was thinking of the game’s aspects, I ran into a dilemma.

You see, I want my game to have a trading system, and I thought it would be pretty cool if people could buy and trade gamepasses for other things (I know that’s not supported by roblox so I was gonna make a custom gamepass system), as this would allow even free-to-play players to get the gamepass benefits without having to pay robux.

But then I got concerned, would this be of any harm to my game’s economy or revenue? Because, if e.g I’m selling a 2x Luck gamepass and most of the players in my game have it, then all the pets in the game will lose value as they will be significantly easier to hatch. I know that more gamepasses will be have to be bought for more players to own the gamepass through trades, I was just asking if its sustainable in the long-term. Like I said, I’m detailing this simulator and not just making it for a quick and cheap buck, and I want it to stay alive for long.

Thus, would my game suffer for allowing more players to own gamepasses? Should I really just allow it and rest assured that my game will sustain its current revenue and economy, or no? Because if it is harmful to the game, then the only solution to introduce it would be to constantly keep on introducing new and more and more powerful tiers/rarities of pets that take even the gamepass holders time to get, and that approach has its own problems.

If you could vote in my poll, that would be really helpful to help me know what the majority thinks, and if you could tell me the reason along with examples, that would be much appreciated too.

  • Allow gamepasses to be traded
  • Don’t allow gamepasses to be traded

0 voters


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So, as of posting, 4 votes, and most of you support being able to trade, but the topic has been pushed really down and I don’t know why you guys chose your options. If you could tell why you chose those options it would be really helpful.


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Personally, I would make some game passes ineligible to trade. For example, you could make certain game passes, like your “2x Luck” pass, unable to be traded.

Also, once a player trades a gamepass, they should lose out on that game pass’s functionality.

Yes, I was going to make it so that you buy a ‘token’ for the gamepass, and you can either use it on yourself (if you haven’t already done that) or you could trade it, but once you’ve used it on yourself you can’t trade it now because the token has been used up.

Right now, I was thinking that the best solution would be to allow the tokens to be purchased just on a few special days as to help a few free-to-play players get the gamepass, but still maintain the economy.

Curiously, now more than half of the votes are against this feature, would like to know what made you choose that.

Thanks to everyone who voted, at the time of this post, there have been 24 votes with exactly equal votes to both options, so I’ve decided on a compromise. Like I said before, I’m only gonna allow these tradable tokens to be purchased on certain days, to limit the amount of them in circulation. And I also may make some gamepasses ineligible to trade like @happy6645 suggested.

Thanks for the help!

That’s a great idea. Good luck on your game.

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