So my friend made this trading system for me in game and it is pretty broken overall, it’s suppose to be like the adopt me trading system. Could somebody tell me how to fix the stuff I listed below? (I’m not a scripter)
Things wrong with it:
When a player denies trade it only closes menu for that player and is broken for the other player
After trade items show duplicated for player that put items into trade last time
After trade is accepted the menu only goes away for one player and the other has to guess where it was already accepted or not
It dosen’t display when a player accepts the trade
Players can’t take items out of trade after they put them in
Wow its pretty glitchy… I dont know if someone is willing to check all that stuff and fix it… For me its easier to create a new one instead of trying to fix other’s code… very hard to do that… at least for me to understand what other were trying to achieve.
Why dont u tell ur friend about those problems and just rebuilt it taking care of those obvious issues that should not happen?
One of the things a post says when you’re making a post on this section is Don’t ask people to create or design entire systems for you. #collaboration:recruitment is for hiring and asking people to create and fix entire systems for you, this is for smaller sections of code that need fixing but you can’t find out why it’s broken. I’d either hire someone to fix it for you or start learning how to program in luau so you can fix bugs and create roblox games more efficiently.