Trail Clone not appearing (is not visible)

local descendants = game.ServerStorage.Assets:WaitForChild("LightningTrail2"):GetDescendants()

				for index, descendant in pairs(descendants) do
					local decendantClone = descendant:Clone()
					if decendantClone:IsA("Trail") then
						decendantClone.Enabled = false
						decendantClone.Parent = hrp
					if decendantClone.Name == "BottomAttachment" then
						decendantClone.Parent = hrp
					if decendantClone.Name == "TopAttachment" then
						decendantClone.Parent = hrp

For some odd reason, my trail being cloned to the player’s hrp is not visible. It only becomes visible if I move it directly (without cloning it). Any solutions?


Directly moved:

Did you check if the trail is actually being cloned?

Yes, It is actually being cloned and added into the HRP, but it is simply not visible (and yes, it is enabled).

are you sure the server copies the trail and not the local script? i assume you use a local script which you should but to clone it you would need to use a remote event or function with a server script. to see if its being cloned test the game then click the screen icon with the blue box thingy to go to server view mode.

sorry for late response, im pretty sure the correct would be

local descendants = -- the place where the trails are

and then on the trail part

for i, v in pairs(descendants:GetDescendants()) do

bc when i do like you did by using GetDescendants() on a local it doesnt works

When it’s being cloned, can you see the instance in the HRP or is it not there at all?

I can see the Trail in HumanoidRootPart.

I’m using :GetDescendants() in a Server Script on a tool. Also, ‘LightningTrail2’ is the part which the trails are.

I am using a server script for the trails inside a tool.

Your not parenting the attachments to the hrp, instead ur parenting the clone

Are you sure it doesn’t need like an attachment?

All of the attachments are in ‘LightningTrail2’, they should go with the trails into the HRP

That’s the point. Every time it loops through an attachment it makes it clone and move into the HRP. At least that’s what It’s meant to do.

Oh but shouldnt u change it to elseif then?

Also are u making sure the attachment0 and attachment1 didnt change?
Bc sometimes it changes bc of the attachment being parented to another thing

Yes, I checked if Attachment 1 & 0 is parented to the specified part I need.
I will try to change it to elseif, but I doubt it will make a difference considering I know that is not the issue since I know it works if I simply parent the trails and attachments rather than clone them, but I’m trying to clone them.

Then its probably like @Wolf1te said, the positions are messed up