So basically I want to make a trail that follows a snail. I want the trail to be a part. The trail needs to be on the floor when it spawns so that’s where raycasting comes into play. I also need it to check if it’s able to make a new trail part when the distance is appropriate.
The problem is that I don’t know where to start. I have the NPC ready. I have a picture on what it should look like if it was working.
You will need to list the points at which the start of a new part of the trail will be created
Then check to see it a certain minimum distance has been traveled
Then create a part and add it to the list
Remove old parts in the list
^ idea of how I might start with it
I put what I wrote into chatgpt and here is a code example:
local snailNPC = game.Workspace.Snail -- Adjust to the correct reference for your snail NPC
local trailParts = {} -- List to store the trail parts
local trailDistanceThreshold = 5 -- Minimum distance to create a new trail part
local maxTrailParts = 20 -- Maximum number of trail parts to keep (optional)
local function createTrailPart(position)
local trailPart ="Part")
trailPart.Size =, 0.1, 1) -- Flat part for the trail
trailPart.Position = position
trailPart.Anchored = true
trailPart.CanCollide = false
trailPart.Parent = workspace
table.insert(trailParts, trailPart)
-- Remove old parts if we exceed the max number of trail parts
if #trailParts > maxTrailParts then
local oldPart = table.remove(trailParts, 1)
oldPart:Destroy() -- Remove the oldest trail part
local lastPosition = snailNPC.HumanoidRootPart.Position
-- Function to check if the snail has moved enough to add a new trail part
local function checkForNewTrailPart()
local currentPosition = snailNPC.HumanoidRootPart.Position
local distance = (currentPosition - lastPosition).Magnitude
if distance >= trailDistanceThreshold then
-- Raycast to find the floor position to place the trail part
local direction =, -10, 0) -- Raycast downward
local ray = workspace:Raycast(currentPosition, direction)
if ray then
local spawnPosition = ray.Position
-- Update last position to current
lastPosition = currentPosition
-- Update continuously
I also thought of that Idea. I placed an attachment on one side of a trail and was planning to measure from there. It would give me the position and exact rotation, although I haven’t thought of how the raycasting would work.
can you not raycast in the negative y position/direction? That would give you the floor.
How would I be able to reenact it?