Trail Object Length Changed

Trail objects have been randomly changed to be 4x shorter in their length. Before adjusting Trail’s in all of my games to their new size, I would like to ask if this is an intended change or not.

This bug started happening about 1 week ago

Existing post about this behavior:


You should consider changing the title to “Trail length is based on FPS”.
Here are some gifs showing off this bug.

~120 FPS:

30 FPS:

Also it should be noted that this used to work properly before and it was a Roblox update which broke how trails work.

For now you can work around this and get the old expected behaviour (roughly) by calculating Trail.Lifetime every frame as:

Trail.Lifetime = Lifetime * 1/(dt*30) * 2
    Lifetime: The actual lifetime you want the trail to last for.
    1/(dt*30): Scales 'lifetime' so the trail doesn't change length based on FPS. (dt = delta time)
    2: Whatever update messed this up also made trails last shorter by an unknown factor.
       So we have to multiply the lifetime back up by something which seems correct.

Not only that, but they used to have a beautiful smoothness to them when their source changed
direction–Now they’re short and jerky fugly.

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