So i am making a gun and added a bullet with a trail object. problem is when spawned, the trail takes time to render, and is only seeable 20-30 studs away.
Script :
loop = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function(dt)
Bullet.CFrame *=, 0, -20 * (dt*60))
if (Bullet.Position - FirePartPos).magnitude >= 1000 then
So you’re making your first bullet render (0, 0, -20 * (dt*60) studs away and wondering why the Trail isn’t showing up until then?
You could use @Znimator’s trick to help out if it’s just the Trail’s rendering you want to fix.
You could leave the values the same to make the bullet the same speed, just change the script so it doesn’t render the first bullet 20 studs away, have it render 5 studs away, or whatever works for you, then add the 20 stud increments after the first one.