Trail Transparency Issue due to Camera Angle

I want to achieve having a trail always have 0 transparency visually
Issue: Trail is set to 0 transparency, but depending on camera angle, it visually looks to have 0 or 1 brightness and 0.5 transparency, even tho the properties have never been set to that. The issue is ingame aswell, not just in studio.

I have tried changing all properties inside of the trail and nothing has helped.

I believe this is set by default for Roblox rendering but I may be wrong. This is to cause less lag and gameplay issues with the game itself.

Yes but i’m trying to find the setting to disable this, as it makes my game a lot lower quality, and i only have 1 trail in the game that’s needed.

ALT+S Lets you edit Roblox’s rendering features.

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Does this occur at the highest graphics level for you?

Yes, it occurs at all of roblox’s graphical settings

Did you try LightEmission and LightInfluence?

Yeah, i’ve tried changing all properties under the trail.

I have noticed this is also happening with textures and parts.
This might be a very serious roblox rendering issue occuring here.

And @FlorizDev
Are these .png images?

If so the images have transparency built into them. I made a post about it 3 years ago (Decals appear slightly transparent when using Future Lighting) and they know it’s a problem, but it’s not on their ‘must fix now’ list.

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