Train keeps flipping

Hey everyone,

I made a working train with the help of Jake Baxter’s train driving system, and added freely rotating bogies myself, but when I try to drive it, it always tips over, even though the entire model is perfectly balanced.


Does anyone know what is causing this? Anything is appreciated. Thanks!


Do you know if it is something to do with the physics or an outside script (if you have any) manipulating the train?

I don’t think so, the only script manipulating the train is the drive script and it functions normally, so it’s probably physics. Here’s the train chassis if you want to test it:
chassis.rbxm (55.1 KB)

Taking a wild guess, but perhaps your player is pushing the bogies?

Note: This configuration makes the train perfectly level so if you need the train to go over hills or just up and down in general set MaxTorque to 0, 0, 400000 along with the other changes I made.

Reconfigured the BodyGyro parented to Base.
Seems to have fixed any wobbling.

If your Train is made out of Meshparts, it might fall out because roblox has a bad meshpart collision problem maybe make the rails wider?

Someone forgot to set RootPriority on the train’s root part.