Train lagging for some reason at certain Parts

So I made a train system and it uses LinearVelocity and Gliders.
For some odd reason when I speed up it is speeding up correctly but its going slow, maybe because it laggs idk.

But when it comes to the curve it goes fast but then slows down again.
The train network ownership is set to the client!

I hope I can explain it correctly.

Thank youuu in advance :))

the video:

FIXED: It was the terrain mehh


Could you show your LinearVelocity setup?

You might need to set your LinearVelocity to use infinite max force. When set to enough max force, LinearVelocities use as much force as needed to reach the speed they’re set to.

I already figured it out it was the Terrain having the complex Colision fidelity turned on making it lag too much! But thank you

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