Train Signal Model

Hello, I’m currently making a signal for my train game, and I would like some feedback on it. I know, it looks disgusting, I’m really not good at building, and I would like this constructive feedback. Any ideas?



I think patching up with a smoother edge for the light holding box and a pole for the Traffic lights would make it improve a lot, I also think you should try out Unions.

Where should I put the unions at?

unions are basically used to build stuff as such

You can always search tutorials!
In this tutorial they also teach you how to model the traffic light

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looks good!
just make the light part a bit bigger because the bur is overpowering the part.

Could use some rescaling of the base part, maybe adjust the saturation on the lights, otherwise, it looks a-ok! :+1:

I suggest resizing the 3 lights a bit bigger so it can look right like a train signal model. The brightness of the should be turned down a little since it looks too bright and blinding.

Here are some images of different street lights to help you.

Hi there! I currently made a signal and I think you should consider doing it in Blender. Here is a picture of mine and what the difference is. This has many different settings. I think you should try for a look like this!

Hoped this helped!

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