Train Tech Exhibitors Building Guidelines

Here you will find all the guidelines for building your train tech exhibition. Please make sure to follow
them all to avoid any unnecessary delay to processing your booth,

  1. All booth must be built to an exact specified dimension of any size. The size dimensions must
    be to a unit ending in a full tens unit. E.g. 90x30 and 100x120 would be ok but 25x70 or 22x21
  2. The maximum height of any booth is 35 studs unless special arrangements have been made to
    be in larger hall where the maximum height is 52 studs.
  3. You must not have anymore than 200 parts per 100studs3 area.
  4. Sound emitted from your booth must either be put locally into the player temporally while in
    your booth and automatically removed when they leave, or where the sound is within a part it
    must not be hearable 5 studs away from the perimeter of your booth.
  5. Booths should be designed in an open plan manor, try and keep structure to a minimum.
  6. Any dynamic lighting must not leak more than 5 studs outside the perimeter of your booth.
  7. Particles demitted must end before the perimeter of your booth.
  8. You are only allowed to have one infinite loop within your scripts for the whole of your booth.
    Anymore is strictly forbidden.
  9. Scripts must not interfere players who aren’t in your booth and must stop interfering with a
    player when they leave your booth.
  10. Ensure all parts are anchored. Anything which isn’t will need to be agreed in advance.
  11. Scripts must not give any superior power to any players unless are basic control methods e.g.
    for information desks.
  12. Scripts must not kick a player.
  13. Admin scripts are strictly forbidden.
  14. Make sure your booth is free from malicious virus scripts.
  15. Please build reasonable, these guidelines are designed to ensure everyone keeps in a reasonable
    amount of space and is considerate to their neighbours. Not everything is covered in this
    grisliness, think if you were organizing an exhibition, what would you want to do to make sure
    everyone exhibits fairly.
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