Train Wheel to Floor Panel

I am trying to get a working train wheel system with a FloorPanel that does not rotate when it is connected to the wheel’s axle.

The problem is, I know very basic about Roblox physics & constraints, so I used a WeldConstraint and for some reason the FloorPanel rotates.

I have tried various scripts on making the wheels move & have the welded FloorPanel not rotate. I even tried unanchoring the wheels & making them force pushable entirely. I am using LookVector to power my wheels.

If you have a solution, please let me know!

The built in physics are pretty intuitive and in most simple scenes they behave roughly alike how they would in the real world, welding the floor to the axle directly is basically the same as what would happen irl (axle cant rotate) Except your manually rotating them with a script or using a strong force so the floor actually rotates too.

You can fix it by using some hinges (have a part inbetween the floor and axle connected to said axle via a hinge, then connect that to the floor with another hinge (so it can rotate lightly on corners)

Heres a helpful little diagram of what I mean since im bad at explaining stuff

So what you want me to do is make a hinge on the axle AND the floor?

Yes, The axle hinge attaches the axle and body and the floor hinge makes it so the floor/body rotates when going through corners without derailing (rigid trains will always derail on corners)

Are there any specific changes I need to make to the HingeConstraint? Do I need to remove the WeldConstraint holding them together?

By the way, I tried that out and it didn’t work.

Sorry for the late response, You need two axles or it will fall over. That’s how physics work.

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