Trainer Handbook

*All changes are justified, any complaints can be sent to @DeservingDeveloper

  • SECTION A - Maps

Under this sentence will be maps that are used in RCTC and the commends that are awarded of completion.

Practice Obby: 2 commends for completing or 3 for being 1st.

Colors 1: 1 commend for participating or 2 for making it to all colors without dying.

Colors 2: 1 commend for participating or 2 for making it to all colors without dying.

Sniper Run: 2 commends for participating or 3 for being 1st to make it.

Normal Gauntlet: 3 commends for finishing or 1 for trying.

Double Gauntlet: 6 commends for finishing or 2 for trying.

Quad Gauntlet: 12 commends for finishing or 4 for trying.

More Maps Coming Soon!

  • SECTION B - Commends Rules

The maximum amount of commends that can be earned in events are 3 but this rule excludes Double and Quad Gauntlet.

Rewarding commends that exceed the maximum amount for events that aren’t Double or Gauntlet will result in punishments like getting demoted to ETP.

Make sure to give everyone at least 1 commend per event even if they don’t win or complete.

  • SECTION C - Commands

This section is about commands that should be used in RCTC.

Use : before the name of the command that will be used.

Fly: use “me” to make only you fly or “all” to make everyone fly.

Disco: Use “disco” to make a party for new ETPs.

Freeze: Use “me” to freeze yourself or “all” to freeze everyone.

Blind: Use “me” to give yourself a black screen or “all” to give everyone one.

M: Use "m " to send a message to everyone in their screen.

N: Use "N " to send a message to everyone in their screen. Similar to “m” but has a smaller box.

Countdown: Use "Countdown " to set a countdown.

Kill: Use “me” to kill yourself or “all” to kill everyone in the server.

Fling: Use “me” to fling yourself or “all” to fling everyone.

Kick: Use "Kick " to kick a certain user or “all” to kick everyone excluding yourself and or higher ranks.

Ban: Use "Ban " to ban a certain user from the server.

Blacklist: Use "Blacklist " to blacklist a certain user from the game.

Bring: Use "Bring to bring a certain user or “all” to bring all to your location.

Add: Use "add co " or "add all co "

Brazil: Use “me” or “all” to do ths command.

Shutdown: Use “Shutdown” to shutdown the server. Use this at end of each training.

  • SECTION D - List of Commands Used at beginning and end of training.

Start of Training

USE : for commands without !

"M "


"Countdown "


“add co 3”

“Kill all”




“bring all”

"Countdown "

"M "

“add co 3”

“Kill all”

End of Training

"M "

*Promote Trainees that meet requirements for rank-ups"


You can feel free to do a fun event in the lobby at the end of a training before the server is shutdown.

  • SECTION E - Training Rules

In order to make trainings, you must follow these guidelines.

  1. At start of training, you must send a group shout in R.C. Security and say “[Your Message] R.C. Training Center - Roblox” Feel free the use the template above.

  2. Do most or all of the events possible in the training center. Events can be identified by the stone that says “[Event Name]”

  3. Trainings should be both fun and serious.

  4. At end of trainings post a group shout that says something like “Training has ended.” Feel free the use the template and modify it to your likes.

  5. When someone becomes a ETP, do :disco and allow everyone to get out of line and celebrate. This should occur when the trainee reaches 350 commends.

  6. Deal with promotions at the end of each training before shutting down server.