Training Center Build

I created a Training Center for fun, and I just want some tips on it! I’ve definitely improved a lot since my previous post, and I want to see opinions on it! It used to be a little cramped, and still is in the intersection, but I believe there’s still a lot of room! If I could get some feedback, that would be amazing.

If you believe you’ve seen this somewhere before, it definitely looks like another Training Center. I have not taken anything from their build, and I took a quick glance at it and it looked AMAZING! I do not plan on selling this because it’s very highly inspired, so I’m just doing it for fun and improvements!

Game Link: Training Center - Roblox

Game Photos


I like the modern-type color palette to it. It looks very nice. :smile:

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Its great! I just think that it needs some more decoration outside the training cener. Other than that everything looks good!

Looks pretty neat, I think it could use some vegetation around the place to make things feel a bit more lively as well as some decor on the outside to give the place a bit more life. Personal preference though I think the rooms could use some more contrast in colors, maybe a bit darker tones in areas to spice things up. Other than that, looks clean and simplistic :+1:

The training center is good if you like to put more decoration and detail it more i’m pretty sure it would look better and better.

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I just added more detail & plants to it, it should look better now! Thanks for all your suggestions. :slight_smile: