Let’s start off with your Group A & Group B chairs. Firstly, I believe the chairs are fine, and the font labelling the groups is good as well. Though, it seems like ‘Group A’ is misaligned with the part that it’s on. So, I’d recommend adjusting that.
Subsequently, once more regarding these groups, if you could just slightly move them both to the left to align it with the stage, that will make it so people don’t get annoyed at the minor misalignment once more.
Now, regarding your stage, the platform itself is done well, and I have no recommendations regarding that specific asset. However, you firstly have one label here that is misaligned:
Additionally, I feel as the font that you have chosen is a bit too slim to read, and doesn’t quite fit the environment. Lastly, I will recommend taking the pads that you stand on, and making them less wider, at least for the single pads, like for Co-Host, Host, et cetera.
Regarding the rocks on the exterior part of the island, while I recognize that you didn’t make them inherently, if you could, perhaps try to make the white part of the rocks a bit more gray? If you can, great, if not, that’s fine.
I apologize, but I can’t quite deduce what this specifically is:
If it’s supposed to be some sort of geyser or hot tub, I certainly don’t recognize it, and I’d recommend you’d work on making it seem a bit better.
Regarding your office, that it seems, I have a bit to say here. Firstly, the monitors look like the size of a phone, and I’d recommend that you try and increase the size. Regarding the mouse and keyboard, I can’t quite actually see the details, but from my perspective it looks fine. The design that you were going for the desks seems great, though, quite a lot of misalignments are spotted here.
So, overall, I believe you did a decent job. Sure, there’s a few nooks and crannies that I’m not all particularly fond of, but the idea and the effort that you put is is exquisite. Though, in regard to improvement, I recommend trying to get a bit better at alignment. If you build on Roblox Studio with the tools, I’d recommend that you go to your Snap to Grid/Alignment feature, and use the following stud increments: 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1
What I suspect that keeps driving your misalignments is that you use certain stud increments that don’t go well with each other. If the alignments don’t work well together, your positioning and scaling will be just a bit off. By having alignments that can add itself to 1 perfectly, you won’t have this issue.
Hope my feedback was helpful. Good luck with your work.