Training Center Feedback

Hey! I’ve recently made a new Training Center which has a color scheme of pink, white, and gray with a slight low poly theme but more on the realistic side. If you have any feedback on my style or the build itself, please say, all feedback/criticism is greatly appreciated!

If you want any info on the center, feel free to ask.

Note: The GUI on the side isn’t complete, so ignore that for now.

Training Center


With all due respect, most of the things I have seen in the given screenshots are free models. I suggest using your own models from now on. Nonetheless, it’s creative. Just reduce the free models. The color theme is nice, overall a nice build. The only thing I would change is the roof and chair textures. The chair textures are the free wooden texture, for old and outdated. I recommend using the Professional Texture Pack model, located in the ToolBox. Change the roof and not make it flat. Lighting is a bit bland, in my opinion. The outside looks decent, I would change it up a bit. Like stairs going up to the building. Great build, 6.5/10, great work.


Alright, thanks for the feedback! :+1:

You’re welcome, if you are a new upcoming builder then don’t stress it. I suggest watching a ton of tutorials. I started my building by watching tutorials from “DatBoiEle” and other yotubers. Again, good job. :+1:

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stairs have a weird texture issue. it doesn’t look realistic make more hills and stuff so the world doesn’t just ‘end’. the enchanted hotels text should be a more professional font.and yeah.