Training Facility Feedback


Hey there! Me and my development team are working on a training facility for a modern military type group. We would love to hear your feedback and know what we can improve on.


Disclaimer You may have seen some parts of this in another topic on the DevForum since parts were purchased from other users.

Link: RH | Training Facility - Roblox


Thank you in advanced,


Hi, this looks great! But, in my opinion I feel like there’s too much space. Maybe you can add some other models, such as crates or weapon racks?

Also, it seems that in the fourth picture, the STS area is uneven / not symmetrical.

I circled the area which I was talking about. Is this just the perspective of the screenshot?

I hope this was helpful! :grin:

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I think this is a pretty great room if what you’re going for is sci-fi or technical. However, I dislike the overuse of red neon. It’s honestly distracting me from the actual detail of the build. Its bright red is way too contrasted compared to the more even, or uniform palette of the rest of the build. That’s my only complaint, other that than great build.

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It looks good but like @devNovachrono said it’s to much going on and also for me it’s way to bright for me the red it’s to much of it.

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It looks quite nice. Though I say the STS pads and the pads are quite undetailed.

Overall. It looks really nice. I suggest looking at some of the STS pads in the CONEX Facility for inspiration.

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What kind of detail do you suggest I add to the STS pads?
(I looked at CONEX but it wasn’t much compared to the current STS area.)

Overall I love the look you’ve achieved in your training facility.

I think that your facility would look more mysterious if you tone down the lights, and make the walls a darker color.
In my opinion, the darker themed facilities are very eye catching especially when you have as much neon as you do. For the STS lines, you could possibly make them curve a little.

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I like it although, I feel like the rooms are empty.

Maybe add some vents and other small details like those.

Also, Make the walls a different texture, plastic doesn’t look very appealing to me.

I hope my feedback helped you, good luck! :smile:

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I like it for the most part, but the lobby / main hall looks really similar to Robines.

The room in the first picture looks quite nice. Maybe add a few statues of HiCOM? If you want any help with this project let me know since I’ve been into war clans myself :smiley: