Training Game | Host Guide

This post will function as a guide to hosting events in Training Game, a place made to be a group-neutral training place for groups.


This guide assumes you have basic Adonis knowledge (selectors like all,nonadmins,admins,%team and basic hosting commands like fly,god,to,m,h,n,tool,…)

Aliases & Selectors

… are very useful features that you can use to simply certain command tasks.

An alias is basically a command made out of other commands.
You can use them to for example create multiple teams at once, reset a player’s speed and jump power at the same time, and a lot more.

To create an alias, run !aliases
The Aliases panel, run !aliases to view
In this panel, you can add, remove and edit existing aliases.

Below is an example alias.

ALIAS: ;eventsetup
COMMAND: ;newteam Host Alder|;newteam People Medium blue|;addstat Attendance|;addstat Wins

(Creates teams named Host, People, and adds 2 stats, Attendance and Wins.)

Then whenever you ;eventsetup, it does whatever command(s) you set.

WIP, more stuff soon!

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