Training Game | (Official) Host Guide

:exclamation: This post will no longer receive updates as of 28.09.2024

This post will function as a guide to hosting events in Training Game, a place made to be a group-neutral training place for groups.


This guide assumes you have basic Adonis knowledge if you do not, please read the a Developer’s Guide to Setting up the Adonis Administration System by a official maintainer of the Adonis System

The only way to receive the “Host” (or above) rank is to message Honzzz himself and get him to rank you.

Getting Started

After you have the “Host” (or above) rank you will receive Moderator level permissions in Training Game, you will also receive Administrator level permissions in Reserved Servers, Private Servers, or by running ;event start.

To make a reserved server, please run the ;makeserver <serverName> command.
To join a reserved server, please run the ;place <player(s) <serverName> command.
To get a list of all reserved servers, please run the ;servers command

To start an event, simply run the ;event start command, this will unrank all other hosts/moderators in the server, give you Administrator level commands, and remove the Simulation Manager and Activity Panel permissions from all players, you will also be prompted to respawn all players, however, that decision is up to you.

Please remember to run the command ;event end after your event has concluded

Simulation Lobby
STS Lines, and their settings

The STS Lines with default settings

To the left of the STS Lines, you should see a GUI on a wall with the title “Simulation Lobby”, this is where you can configure some settings regarding spawn! (STS Line only, for now…).

Lines - How many lines in the STS there should be (default 5)
Stud Gap - The stud gap between each line in the STS (default 2)
Rise by - By how many studs each line should be higher than the last (default 0)
Reset - Resets the STS Line settings to the default ones
Host Podium Protection - If enabled, non-admins won’t be able to walk on the Host’s Podium

Extra Activites

:exclamation:The Extra Activities area can be found on the left of the STS lines :exclamation:


There are 3 obbies; Easy, Medium, and Hard.
Each obby is harder than the last, so pick one fitting for most of your attendees, and remember, #JusticeForMobilePlayers!

Kill mode - If enabled, attendees who fall on the obby will die, if this is disabled, they will be teleported in front of the specific obby.
Easy/Medium/Hard Obby - Toggles whenever the Easy/Medium/Hard Obby is enabled


The arena is a small circle where players fight other players, bot(s), or team up to defeat bots. It can also be used as sword fighting, dodging practice, a bomb barrage, or even shooting, all of this can be of course configured in the settings of the arena.

Main Settings
Barrier - Whenever the arena should be surrounded by a barrier so the attendees can’t leave
Killing - If enabled, if a player is “killed” inside of the arena they will normally die and then respawn, if this is disabled, the player will be teleported outside of the arena on “death” to avoid dying.
Sword Fight Settings
Give Swords - Whenever swords should be given to players inside of the arena.
Bomb Barrage Settings
Duration - For how long the bombs should fall for.
Rate - At which rate should the bombs fall for.
Activate - Activate the bomb barrage with the given settings.
Stop - Stops the bomb barrage.
Bot Settings
Type - Toggles the bot type (sword/gun).
Amount - The amount of bots to spawn.
AI Level - The higher the level, the stronger, and smarter the bots are (1-3).
Health - The health amount for each bot.
Spawn Cooldown - The wait time until the next bot spawns.
Attacking - Whenever the bots will attack players or not.
Activate - Spawns the bot(s) with the given settings.
Clear - Stops the spawning of new bots and clears all existing ones.

Simulation Room

:exclamation:The Simulation Room can be found in front of the STS Lines :exclamation:

The simulation room is a powerful tool developed by the developers of training game, it ranges from combat maps, a plates minigame, to a computer core simulation.


:warning:To save time, only simulations with larger settings will be listed here :warning:

Simulations are most likely the best part of the Training Game, they include various maps, activities, and outside areas to simulate!

To access the simulation panels (one of which is located to the right of the STS Lines) you must type the command ;simulations.

Once you run the ;simulations command, a UI will pop up on your screen with all simulations in the game, that you can; simulate, unsimulate, and deselect all simulations.

:exclamation:Some simulations are best paired with other simulations :exclamation:



A sword fight arena with configurable settings

Distance - The stud distance between the small platforms and the main platform
Small Platforms - The number of small platforms generated around the main platform
Bridges - Whenever bridge connections should be enabled from each small platform to the main arena (Not required to regenerate)
Generate - generated the arena with the given settings



Simulates a meteor fall

The simulation active

Damage - How much damage each meteor hit to players will do.
Duration - For how long should the meteors fall.
Size - The size of each meteor.
Spawn Cooldown - The wait time before the next meteor spawns.
Display Location - Whenever the location of a falling meteor should be displayed or not.
Sounds - Whenever a meteor sound should be enabled or not.
Activate - Runs the simulation with the given settings

Random Cubes

Spawns randomly placed cubes around the simulation room

Generated Simulation

Amount - The amount of cubes to spawn.
Size - The size of each cube.
Clear - Clears all cubes in the simulation room.
Activate - Generates cubes in the simulation room with the given settings.


Targets are a great way to check your attendee’s aim versus other players.

The simulation active

Amount - The amount of the targets to spawn and the max amount of the targets
Max Height - Maximum Height (in-position)
Min. Height - Minimum Height (in-position)
Size - The size of each target
Spawn Cooldown - Wait time between the next target spawns
Health - The health of each target
Auto Spawn - Whenever if there’s too little targets to automatically add them (with the spawn cooldown)
Clear - Pauses and clears the simulation
Activate - Starts the simulation


:exclamation:Not recommended to use without other simulations :exclamation:

Starts a flood that can either 1ko whoever touches it or make them gradually take damage until they get out.

The simulation active

Damage - Damage per second if a player is touching the flood
Height - How far the flood will go
Time - How long will it take for the flood to get to it’s max height
Lava - If turned on will instakill anyone who touches it, if off, will gradually damage any player (per second) who touches it.
Reset - Resets the simulation and stops the flood
Activate - Runs the flood with the given settings


The Climbing simulation is a great way to check your attendee’s smartness and quick thinking

The simulation generated

Parts - How many parts to spawn
Trust Chance (Percent) - The chance in percentage for a part to be a
TrussPart (1) part which players can climb
TP Winners - Whenever winners should be TPed to a winner platform
Generate - Generates the simulation
Clear - Clears the simulation


Computer Core

The Computer Core simulation simulates a sci-fi core-like scenario where some players have to melt the core, and others prevent them from doing so

(On Tick Multiplier 1) Each laser heats by 6, and each pump cools by -6

The simulation active

Temperature - The current temperature of the core
Tick speed - Tick speed determines how long it waits between temp updates (in seconds)
Tick Multiplier - Multiplies the changes each tick, so if its set to 2, instead of each laser heating by 6, it would heat by 12 instead
Disaster Temperature - The temperature at which the core explodes
Lock Controls - Toggles if controls can be pressed
Lock Temp - Locks the temperature in place making it so it’s unable to change


The plates is a simulation of a fun and popular roblox game, it has a lot of events and is best played with many attendees

The simulation active

Speed Multiplier - Reduces the time the minigame waits between everything
Global Event Chance% - The chance of a global event happening (affecting all players)
Player Event Chance% - The chance of a player event happening (affecting randomly chosen players)
Base Plate Size - The starting size of each plate
Event Cooldown - Time between each event
Plates to Select - Plates to select during a plate event
Players to Select - Players to select during a player event
Winners - Number of winners
Teams - Whenever all players should be teamed to a “Participating” team, and removed on death
Start - Starts the simulation


Guide written entirely by Purple_Creativity, if you have any suggestions, see something wrong, or any further questions, and you’re 13+, you can join our communications server, which is linked in the Training Game Development Group’s social links.

Special thanks to Honzzz, the creator of Training Game, as well as dsaw36242, 1epovskyDev and slendersin for helping Honzzz create and maintain it.

Guide officially approved by Honzzz

Last Updated: August 6th, 2023